Monthly Archives: December 2024

When Domestic Violence Victims Kill
When Ms. Ford told her brother, George, about her husband’s threats and abuse, she and George discussed ways to eliminate her abuser, who’d not only dragged her through dog feces, gripped her hand in order to break the glass she was holding so the shards sliced her hand, punched her, and pulled her hair;… Read More »

Voter Intimidation Can Result in a Prison Sentence
Perhaps you thought you were behaving like a patriot when you chatted up fellow voters, but now you’ve been arrested and charged with voter intimidation. What comprises voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges? Voter Intimidation Defined A federal crime, voter intimidation is spelled out in U. S. code as threats,… Read More »

Shaken Baby Syndrome
When a baby dies, alarm bells ring. Why did a baby, who, just hours ago, seemed perfectly healthy, die? Across the country, it’s estimated that anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 children experience shaken baby syndrome (SBS). A quarter of those children die, and the rest endure a lifetime of debilitating problems, including seizures, blindness,… Read More »