Author Archives: Jay Butchko

When Domestic Violence Victims Kill
When Ms. Ford told her brother, George, about her husband’s threats and abuse, she and George discussed ways to eliminate her abuser, who’d not only dragged her through dog feces, gripped her hand in order to break the glass she was holding so the shards sliced her hand, punched her, and pulled her hair;… Read More »

Voter Intimidation Can Result in a Prison Sentence
Perhaps you thought you were behaving like a patriot when you chatted up fellow voters, but now you’ve been arrested and charged with voter intimidation. What comprises voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges? Voter Intimidation Defined A federal crime, voter intimidation is spelled out in U. S. code as threats,… Read More »

Shaken Baby Syndrome
When a baby dies, alarm bells ring. Why did a baby, who, just hours ago, seemed perfectly healthy, die? Across the country, it’s estimated that anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 children experience shaken baby syndrome (SBS). A quarter of those children die, and the rest endure a lifetime of debilitating problems, including seizures, blindness,… Read More »

What Is Contempt of Court?
After Tyrese Gibson allegedly failed to adhere to a court order to pay over $70,000 in back child support, he was found to be in willful contempt of court. It was the third such hearing, and this time the judge required detainment until the payment was made. It’s a common charge, and one that… Read More »

Could My Charges be Dropped?
If you are facing criminal charges, one of the best possible outcomes would be for the charges to be dropped or dismissed, removing the stress and expense of a trial. While it may not be a guarantee, it is certainly a possibility in many cases. Dropped and Dismissed Charges are Two Different Things To… Read More »

International Corporations: Adhere to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
If you lead a company that is facing charges related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), you could be looking at serious time behind bars, in addition to potential disbarment, suspension, and reimbursements. The FCPA is something every corporate CEO and every manager should be conversant in if their company operates outside of… Read More »

Could Your Crime Lead to Deportation?
If you are a non-citizen living in the United States, it is critical that you follow all laws. While it’s true that the prospect of time behind bars and fines are dismaying to anyone, things can get much more complicated for immigrants lacking citizenship. That’s because, in some cases, criminal activity could result in… Read More »

Road Rage Can Get You into Trouble with the Law
Did acting like a hothead while you were behind the wheel lead to an arrest? Depending on the incident, you could be looking at some serious charges. Now, more than ever, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney looking out for your rights. What is Road Rage? Road rage can come in all forms,… Read More »

What’s the Best Defense Strategy?
If you are facing criminal charges, you are no doubt feeling anxious about your future. If you don’t know much about the criminal justice system, you may feel you’re at a real disadvantage. Whatever defense you wind up with, you want your attorney to put forth a strategic rationale that challenges the presentation delivered… Read More »

Can Judges be Removed from Cases?
Allegations of egregious behavior have led the District Attorney in Clark County to request that Judge Ballou be removed from all cases the office is prosecuting. The appeal went straight to Chief Judge Wiese, and dates back to a case going back over a decade. The Case After being indicted for engaging in a… Read More »