Do not Make This Mistake While Alone in a Law Enforcement Vehicle

Earlier we provided five simple steps for dealing with a police stop. While these are steps you’d want to take when you’re stopped by the police, what happens once you’re in custody of law enforcement? As you know, there is a period of time that goes by when you’re alone in the law enforcement vehicle. There is one mistake you should not make — talking. Today, Lobo Law will break down the reasons why talking inside of a law enforcement vehicle (even an unmarked vehicle) is a big mistake.
Why You Should Keep Quiet.
Keeping quiet while alone in a law enforcement vehicle secures your rights to silence. Imagine sitting in the law enforcement vehicle talking to yourself or making utterances about the crime you’re being accused of. Do you think you’re truly alone in a law enforcement vehicle?
Law enforcement vehicles are high tech. They contain two key pieces of equipment:
- Dashcams
- Voice Recorders
Exercise Your Constitutional Rights While Alone in the Vehicle
According to the Know Your Rights Booklet by ACLU Nevada, if law enforcement arrests you, the officer must advise you of your constitutional rights to keep silent, your right to an attorney and have one appointed if you cannot afford to hire one.
You should enforce these rights, even if the officer does not mention them. It is important to point out that law enforcement (especially detectives in unmarked vehicles) often will not place you in handcuffs and will let you sit in the front seat next to them, to be able to argue later on that reading you your rights was unnecessary because you were not “under arrest.”
Your constitutional rights extend to even when you’re in the law enforcement vehicle alone. Many people make the mistake of talking and carrying a conversation with themselves or someone else on the phone, not even thinking about the fact that the vehicle is recording their conversation and their every move.
Remember, anything you say to the police and while alone in the law enforcement vehicle can and WILL be used against you in court.
Take These Steps When Detained in a Law Enforcement Vehicle
If you are under arrest and being held in custody of law enforcement in a vehicle, below are some do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of:
- Do not offer information besides the basic identifying information (name, etc.)
- Do not try to tell your side of the story.
- Do say that I want to remain silent.
- Do say that I want to talk to a lawyer before ANY questioning occurs.
- If you have a phone, do not call someone and talk about the situation.
- Do call your Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer
Always remember that the law enforcement vehicle is recording even when you’re alone in the vehicle. Any information you provide can and will be used against you in court, and it will make it harder for your Las Vegas criminal lawyer to do her job and defend you.
If You Are Under Interrogation for a Crime in Las Vegas Call Lobo Law.
Lobo Law provides skillful defense representation for those accused of crimes in Las Vegas. Adrian Lobo is a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer who cares about her clients and works to explore every option available and make sure everyone, including the police, treats you fairly. When results matter, contact Lobo Law at 702-290-8998 to schedule a consultation.