Domestic Violence In The News Again

Even when we’re not talking about it, it’s happening. All across the country, domestic partners suffer violence at the hands of loved ones. Most recently, the story of Gabby Petito’s death has rocked the nation. After the coroner ruled the death a homicide all eyes turned to Petito’s fiancé, Brian Laundrie. It’s unknown whether or not Laundrie had anything to do with the homicide; what is known is that the couple did engage with Utah police prior to Petito’s disappearance, and there were reports of fighting. Whether or not Laundrie gets a fair shake from this point on, he is most certainly a person of interest in the case, and of the numerous red flags in the case, his stealthy escape from police detection in recent weeks leads many to view him suspiciously. If you find yourself accused of domestic violence, whether the allegations are true or not, rest assured that hiding from authorities will not help your case. In any event, you deserve a strong legal defense from a criminal defense attorney who focuses on domestic violence defense and who will fight for your constitutional rights from the get-go.
Impact of Charges
Whether or not you are ever convicted of domestic violence, the simple accusation has the potential to alter relationships as friends, family, and co-workers view you with the slightest edge of suspicion. The minute a protective order is served, you are not allowed to enter the premises where you and the victim live. If you want to explain yourself, defend yourself, or otherwise contact your accuser, you could be found in contempt and immediately jailed. The initial protective order could last 45 days before a hearing occurs. At that point, a judge will listen to evidence to determine whether or not an extended order of protection should be issued, which could last another couple of years.
Temporary Orders
In addition to keeping you out of the vicinity of the accuser, a temporary order could grant full temporary custody of children to the accuser. Other protections and/or supports could be required based on the circumstances of the case.
Extended Orders
If, after a hearing, you are found guilty of domestic violence, you could lose custody of your children and be ordered to pay child support. Visitation may have to be supervised. You may have to contribute to the accuser’s rent/mortgage payments, and you may have to reimburse the accuser for any lost wages associated with the situation. You will have to surrender any firearms, and you will have to spend some time behind bars. Additionally, you will be required to take a domestic violence course, pay fines, and complete voluntary community service.
Defending Against Charges
At Lobo Law, you can count on a thorough and effective defense designed to provide the best possible outcomes for you. Contact our Las Vegas domestic violence attorneys for a confidential consultation today.