Category Archives: Criminal Defense
Criminal Negligence
If you are facing charges of criminal negligence, you’re likely feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, perhaps you are angry and defensive (I didn’t do it) or regretful (I should have been paying better attention) about what allegedly led to another person’s suffering or death. On the other hand, you feel trepidation… Read More »
The Impact Of Media On Capital Cases
There’s little argument as to the influence of the media on modern society. Television, radio, and other digital forms of media share all kinds of information, from the latest score in a ball game to the most current issues in Washington D.C. and around the world. So it’s no surprise that the media has… Read More »
Nevada Probation And Parole
For individuals convicted of a crime, the prospect of probation /parole is infinitely more appealing than the idea of going to jail or prison. But to be clear, there are clear requirements associated with offender supervision, and failure to conform to those requirements can result in sanctions, including a stint behind bars. The Difference… Read More »
Death Penalty Facts
While the death penalty is not handed down with great frequency in Nevada, there are certain circumstances in which it is available to judges and juries. When that occurs, it can take decades for the sentence to be carried out. The facts surrounding state-sponsored execution in Nevada include a number of realities of which… Read More »
U.S Supreme Court Intervenes In Opioids Blame Case
Patients go into doctor’s offices every day complaining of excruciating pain, expecting a solution. For many, that solution is opioids of various varieties and doses, often leading patients to ask for additional prescriptions down the road. And yes, sometimes people get addicted, and the outcomes are horrible. Prescribing doctors have taken the brunt of… Read More »
How Reliable Are Confidential Informants In The Criminal Justice System?
Confidential informants (CI’s): they lead police to the heart of crime, right? But most people probably don’t realize that the use of such informants is basically unregulated by courts, giving law enforcement free rein as they make their deals in order to “prove” their cases and nab suspects. False Testimony from CI’s Because CI’s… Read More »
What To Expect From A Criminal Prosecution
If you’ve been charged with criminal activity and are headed toward a trial, you likely have countless questions about what is about to happen. While no two prosecutors and no two trials are ever the same, there are some general principles criminal trials tend to share. 1- Theme: Prosecutors will want to convince a… Read More »
Cell Phone Forensics In Police Work
Anyone who’s paid any attention to the murder trial of Alex Murdaugh is likely aware of the impact that cell phone data had on the outcome. Not only did video taken from the victim’s cell phone prove that Murdaugh was in the vicinity of the murders at the time they occurred; data also revealed… Read More »
Will Your Charges Be Dismissed?
If you are facing criminal charges, you are likely concerned about the future. How aggressively will the prosecutor pursue charges? How will your life change if you are convicted? As far as that goes, what does the law require of the prosecution in order to achieve a guilty verdict? Is there any chance that… Read More »
Armed Protesters
If you’re a little concerned about gun-wielding people who are protesting various issues across this country, join the crowd. But the fact of the matter is, in many states, including Nevada, the law allows for the open carrying of firearms. That’s true whether someone is in the grocery store, at a movie, or at… Read More »